Karnataka Bank to increase service outlets

Our Bureau Updated - January 19, 2018 at 10:11 PM.

The vision document of Karnataka Bank for 2020 aims to make it big and strong, according to Mahabaleshwara MS, Chief General Manager of the bank.

Speaking at the inauguration of the 707{+t}{+h} branch at Tiruvallur in Tamil Nadu on Friday, he said that the ‘KBL Vision 2020’ aims to make the bank ‘big’ in terms of service outlets and customer base; ‘strong’ in terms of asset quality and sound financials; and ‘great’ in terms of customer experience and stakeholders’ rewards.

The bank has projected total business of ₹1.8 lakh crore by March 2020 with a service outlet of 3,500. This includes 1,000 branches and 2,500 ATMs.

The bank also proposes to open 250 e-lobbies by March 2020, he said.

There are plans to increase the bank’s digital touch-points across India as envisaged in its KBL Vision 2020 document, he said. Terming banks as the national assets, he said misuse of banking facilities should be avoided. It is the responsibility of each and every customer to make use of all available banking facilities judiciously and avoid misuse of the same, Mahabaleshwara said.

Published on January 29, 2016 11:04