The Bank Employees Federation of India (Keralam) has come out against the advisory of allowing normal functioning of branches amid the lockdown. Running operations in full strength will be in violation of the guidelines issued by both the Central and State governments and the RBI to contain the epidemic, it said.

SS Anil, General Secretary of the Federation, said the stipulated attendance in Central government offices is 33 per cent and in central essential services, including the Postal Department, is 50 per cent. The RBI has instructed its offices to have only 25 per cent attendance. As public transport facility facilities are still banned, it is impossible for bank employees to attend office in full strength, he said.

The branches have to follow certain guidelines regarding social distancing, customer presence, etc, he added.

Given the circumstances, the Federation requested the State Level Bankers' Committee (SLBC) to come out with clearcut instructions regarding the functioning of banks in the lockdown period.

Being an essential service, all bank employees are responsible for extending services to the society, said the Federation. The branches operating in non-red zones may function normally, with 50 per cent of staff strength. Employees working in administrative offices can be deputed to nearby branches, Anil said.

In red zones/containment areas (hotspots), wherever permission is granted by the district/local authorities, the functioning of branches may be restricted from 10 am to 2 pm with up to 50 per cent attendance.

Pregnant and physically challenged employees and employees with critical illness should be exempted fully from attending office, the Federation said.