Mr M.V. Nair, chairman, CIBIL, and former CMD, Union Bank of India, has called upon bankers to look at banking as an opportunity to help people.

He said that bankers are people who got an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of several sections like farmers and entrepreneurs, who approach them for various needs. Mr Nair advised the bankers to use the opportunity before them properly.

Mr Nair was speaking at function organised here by the State Forum of Bankers’ Clubs – Kerala to honour him with the Lifetime Achievement Award.

He pointed out that wage negotiations were testing times and he was guided by the perception that payment should be good to attract best talents.

Referring to the global economic slowdown, he said that situation has changed across the world. Banks are over-leveraged; economies are over-leveraged. Leadership may not be confined to national or State level. True leadership at every level of society contributes to the success of the country as a whole, he added.

Mr Shyam Srinivasan, managing director, Federal Bank, and Dr V.A. Joseph, managing director, South Indian Bank, jointly presented the award to Mr Nair.

Mr Mayank Mehta, deputy general manager, Union Bank of India; Mr Abraham Thariyan, executive director, South Indian Bank; Mr L.R.R. Warrier, president, State Forum of Bankers’ Clubs; Mr K.U.Balakrishnan, general secretary, and Mr Peter Sebastian, president, Greater Kochi Bankers’ Club, also spoke.