Warning that no bank defaulter will be spared, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday accused the Congress of helping the rich usurp people’s money and claimed his government has “tightened the screws” on the “looters” who are now fleeing due to fear of going to jail.

Hitting back after his government faced criticism over the handling of the Vijay Mallya case, Modi alleged that the Congress was opening banks for the rich during its rule and “its governments who have through these banks filled the coffers of the rich, too, will have to pay”.

“You know how the rich have usurped public money. My government has tightened the screws on the bank defaulters... No one will be spared, I am telling you. The money looted from the banks does not belong to the banks but to the poor people and I will ensure that those who looted this money return each and every paise.,” he said at an election rally in Assam.