No logic behind low credit rating for India, says Deepak Parekh

Venkatesan R Updated - January 11, 2018 at 06:21 PM.


Critical of rating agencies for giving India the lowest investment grade rating, eminent banker Deepak Parekh wondered how a country with such “strong fundamentals” on both economic and political fronts can be rated so low.

India continues to be rated ‘BBB—’ — just a notch above the junk grade and lowest among investment grade ratings — by most of the global credit rating agencies despite the government pitching hard for an upgrade on the basis of several reforms initiated over the last few years.

“Why is India, the fastest growing emerging economy for over one year now with all macroeconomic fundamentals being positive, rated just BBB—? On the other hand, Italy and Spain, which are far weaker and smaller, are having much higher ratings than us,” Parekh told PTI in an interview here.

“Italian banks are in far worse shape than our banks. Italian government is more shaky and we have solid political stability now,” he said.

The top industry leader and Chairman of housing finance major HDFC, who commands huge respect for his candid views on policy matters, said a credit rating is supposed to be based on both economic and political factors.

“Sometimes, when the economic scenario is good, political situation can be bad and at times when politics is in good shape, economic factors can be bad. This time, both (factors) are good for us and are very strong. The foundation is strong and we have a strong government,” he said.

Asked whether India should focus too much on rating agencies, who themselves have been facing questions, Parekh said they are still global rating companies but made a strong pitch for an upgrade for India.

Methodologies questioned

Some commentators have already raised questions about the methodologies adopted by the rating agencies, even as they have been defending their views and have ruled out any upgrade in the immediate future.

Taking a dig at rating agencies, Chief Economic Advisor Arvind Subramanian wrote a piece in this year’s Economic Survey with a headline ‘Poor Standards? The Rating Agencies, China and India’ — an apparent reference to the leading rating agency Standard and Poor’s.

Published on May 1, 2017 16:47