Punjab National Bank (PNB), on Thursday, said that it has no plans to trim the number of ATMs by March 31 next year. There are also no plans to increase various charges related to ATM usage, PNB said in a statement.

This comes on the heels of industry body Confederation of ATM Industry’s (CATMi) statement that half of India’s 2.38 lakh ATMs may be forced to close down by March 2019 due to “unviability” of operations.

As on date, PNB has 9,428 ATMs pan-India. The bank also said that the security measures advised by the RBI are in the interest of the bank and the customers at large. The process of implementation of the security measures have already started on the bank’s ATMs, the PNB statement added.

CATMi has estimated that 1.13 lakh ATMs may have to down shutters across the country by March 2019.