To provide cover against frauds on credit and debit cards, OneAssist Consumer Solutions has launched a new protection plan ‘WalletAssist’.

In the event of a lost wallet, instead of calling multiple banks to block multiple cards, all that customers need to do is call the company for blocking all the cards at one go, the company said in a statement.

The company said its protection plan will provide cover against skimming, phishing, counterfeit cards and PIN-based frauds, which happen at the ATMs or POS machines.

“Customers are protected against any fraud that could have happened on the cards from seven days prior to reporting loss for an amount up to Rs 2.5 lakh.

“Further, PAN and driving licence will be replaced for free. Apart from this, if one is travelling in India or abroad, OneAssist will also settle hotel bills, book return tickets and help with lost passport assistance and foreign language interpreter,” the company said.