The Kerala-based lender South Indian Bank has won the UiPath Automation Excellence Awards 2021 for Best Automation under Crisis for Business Continuity.

The award was bestowed upon the Bank for its exceptional use of Robotic Process Automation capabilities under difficult times for solving severe operational constraints, thereby ensuring business continuity.

The UiPath Automation Excellence Awards aim to recognise the change-makers of automation. In the 2021 Edition of the UiPath Automation Excellence Awards, the individuals and organisations across India and South Asia (Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal), who have solved some of the greatest challenges through transformative automation projects were recognised.

South Indian Bank has been at the forefront in adopting robotic process automation with a robust ecosystem in place, with a vision to automate complex and mundane processes.

The Bank was awarded the UiPath Automation Excellence Award for tackling a situation strategically using Robotic Process Automation. During the implementation of a critical compliance-related change in the Core Banking and supporting application, a crisis was averted by successfully automating the end-to-end process within a short span of 2 days, ensuring compliance and saving costs in purchasing services from external entities.