Vijaya Bank has launched a 100-day campaign to augment its retail business and customer acquisition.

A press release from the bank said the campaign started on June 1 and will end on September 8. During this period, the bank is offering a V-Vriddhi Term Deposit, a 400-day limited period term deposit scheme, at 9.75 per cent per annum.

The bank is also offering a V-Vriddhi Recurring Deposit product with a fixed maturity at a higher rate of interest, during the campaign period. Besides, vehicle loan customers will get a 10-basis points concession, while home loan buyers can avail of loans at a 20-basis points concession, and waiver of processing fees during the campaign period.

Home loans start at 10.55 per cent, while vehicle loans start at 11.20 per cent.

The campaign also offers a savings bank product with 12 benefits, added the release.
