A good credit score alone will not guarantee you a loan from this lender. You will also have to pass a psychometric test, which will gauge your repayment intention, to get the loan.

In a bid to build a quality loan portfolio, Gurugram-headquartered Satin Creditcare Network (SCNL), registered with the Reserve Bank of India as an NBFC-MFI, has kickstarted the process of administering psychometric tests to potential borrowers.

“We want to go beyond the credit bureau score. The score tells us only about a borrower’s past credit history. But the psychometric test actually tells us about his/her intention (to repay). The result of this test is valid for about two years,” said HP Singh, Chairman and Managing Director, SCNL.

Clearly, the NBFC-MFI, which gives small-ticket loans for income generation (agriculture, animal husbandry, trading and business-related activities), and loans (ranging from ₹1 lakh to ₹20 lakh) to micro, small and medium enterprises and for housing through dedicated subsidiaries, believes that past performance (credit history) is not indicative of future results. Psychometric tests are usually used by employers to assess potential employees’ intelligence, skills and personality. It also indicates whether the employees are a suitable match for the employer and their future job performance.

Singh elaborated: “This is one of the statistical tools we are trying so that we have one more quality filter for our loan portfolio (beside the credit score filter). We have launched this in a few of our branches. Hopefully, by the end of this year we will extend it to all our branches.”