Anjana PV speaks to Navneet Kaur, Founder & CEO of FemTech India on an upcoming study by FemTech India called the FemTech India report. The report details the state of the market for women’s health and wellness products in India. 

The podcast delves into the emerging field of FemTech in India, focusing on female health technology and its significance in addressing various women’s health issues. Kaur provides insights into their research process, highlighting the longstanding neglect and underfunding of women’s health initiatives.  

She emphasises the need for industry growth and investment, particularly in light of the sector’s absence from academic research and media coverage. Projections in the report suggest a substantial market potential for women’s health and wellness products in India, with key drivers including increased awareness, digitalisation, financial freedom, and supportive government initiatives.  

However, challenges such as limited reach to rural areas, lack of investment, affordability issues, and social stigma hinder the penetration of women’s wellness products. To address these challenges, Kaur recommends collaborations with NGOs, leveraging digital platforms, community outreach programs, prioritising evidence-based products, clear communication, and partnering with research institutes.  

(Host, producer and edits: Anjana P V)