Climate change is becoming a constant part of our lives. The tea gardens of West Bengal are not spared from it. West Bengal’s Dooars region contributes around 25% of the nation’s tea yield. Change in weather patterns such as drought, and floods have a massive impact on tea-producing areas.

With climate change reducing the quality of tea yield, it is becoming difficult to get a higher price for the crops at auctions. Hence, farmers are at the receiving end of it.

In this podcast, Piyashee Mallick talks about how climate change plays an important role in agricultural production in India, about climatic conditions that lead to the reduction of tea yield and the impact that it has. She also discusses if farmers should follow some different cropping patterns due to climate change in the region.

Mallick is a research scholar at Jadavpur University, West Bengal. Her area of work is “Climate Change and its impact on agriculture.

Tune in to BL Podcast for more such stories.


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