World Youth Skills Day is celebrated every year on July 15. In this BL podcast, businessline’s Anjana PV talks to Dr. Madhuri Dubey, founder of National Skills Network on the importance of skilling and how to prepare for the future world of work.

Madhuri explains that World Youth Skills Day aims to highlight the significance of skills for employability and entrepreneurship. They emphasize that skill gaps are not limited to India but exist globally. The image of skilling in India is seen as limited and associated with low-level manual work, creating a stigma around it.

She details the need to integrate skill development with academic learning and the limitations of a purely theoretical education. The speaker also highlights the importance of hands-on experience, practical application, and acquiring skills through informal learning channels. Madhuri mentions the underemployment of highly qualified individuals in jobs that do not align with their education.

The conversation shifts to the New Education Policy (NEP) launched in 2020, which emphasizes vocational education, job-oriented degree programs, and apprenticeships. The NEP aims to break the status quo and bring about changes that align education with the evolving needs of the future. The podcast also discusses the recommendations and potential implementation challenges of the policy and highlights the importance of strategic implementation at the state level.

When asked about the desired changes in the education space, the speaker mentions the need to integrate skills and education, enabling students to discover their interests and pursue careers aligned with their passion. Madhuri emphasises the importance of teachers adapting to the changing role of facilitators and continuously learning to keep up with technological advancements.

The conversation then explores the impact of technological innovations, such as artificial intelligence (AI), on the workplace and the need for individuals to have a basic understanding and appreciation of technology, even if their roles are not directly technical. She also explains that awareness of how technology is used in different industries and applications is crucial.

Regarding the hybrid work model that emerged during the pandemic, Madhuri mentions the essential skills for excelling in such a setup and highlights the importance of planning, time management, adaptability, and collaboration skills.

The podcast emphasises the importance of skill development, integration of skills with education, and changing perceptions around skilling. It underscores the need for individuals to adapt to technological advancements, possess digital literacy, and acquire skills relevant to their industry. Collaboration between government, educational institutions, industries, and active participation from all stakeholders are seen as crucial for the successful implementation of skill development initiatives in India.