Come March and women are celebrated, felicitated and pampered by brands. Marketers put out campaigns galore paying tributes to women consumers, offering discounts and incentives. How effective are these International Women’s Day marketing campaigns? Meanwhile, while women’s day gets a lot of noise and visibility, marketers have also taken to celebrating other days in a big way too – be it Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Doctor’s day, Earth Day and so on. Is “Day Marketing” a lazy approach? Does it really convert into sales? Does it align with a brand’s purpose? Can brands actually take ownership of a day and build a narrative around it? 

Shiv Shivakumar, Operating Partner, Advent International and Jermina Menon, Founder of Knowetic and a seasoned retail marketing professional share their takes on these and more in conversation with Chitra Narayanan, Editorial Consultant, Businessline. They also share some fascinating brand trivia – tune in for some history on women’s day marketing and learn which was one of the first brands in India to adopt the day.

Host: Chitra Narayanan, Producer: Amitha Rajkumar


About the State of the Economy podcast 

India’s economy has been hailed as a bright spot amid the general gloom that seems to have enveloped the rest of the world. But several sectors continue to stutter even as others seem set to fire on all cylinders. To help you make sense of the bundle of contradictions that the country is, businessline brings you podcasts with experts ranging from finance and marketing to technology and start-ups