In this recap, M Ramesh explores the steps being taken to achieve India’s net emission targets and transition towards a greener future. Firstly, a comprehensive look is taken at India’s net emission targets and what they entail. Viewers will have the opportunity to discover the significance and implications of this ambitious goal.

Next, the focus shifts to the vital transition from conventional energy sources, such as coal and gas, to renewable energy sources. Viewers are encouraged to bid farewell to traditional forms of energy and embrace the importance of renewable alternatives.

Notably, the recap delves into two key aspects that are crucial for India’s green shift. Firstly, the importance of grid stability and its enhancement through pumped-hydro storage is addressed. Viewers will gain insights into how this technology contributes to a reliable and consistent energy supply, which is essential for India’s sustainable future.

Lastly, the recap discusses a critical aspect of India’s net zero journey—funding these transformative projects. Viewers will discover the significance of financial support and its crucial role in accelerating the adoption of renewable energy, thereby driving India’s sustainability goals forward.

Stay tuned for more captivating content as the series continues to explore the fascinating world of renewable energy solutions and the ongoing journey towards a greener and more sustainable future.