Nearly 1.28 lakh Aircel customers have opted to port to BSNL Tamil Nadu circle over the last five days Of this, nearly 67,000 numbers have already been ported, and balance will be done by Thursday, according to R Marshal Antony Leo, Chief General Manager, BSNL TN Circle.

Mobile number portability of BSNL Tamil Nadu has always been net positive. During April 2017 to February 2018, nearly 1.60 customers from other networks ported their numbers to BSNL Tamil Nadu circle, which covers across State except Chennai.

On an average, 1.50 lakh mobile customers are added to the network every month. However, during February 2018, this number doubled mainly due to problems associated with Aircel. “Our monthly revenue from new mobile connection doubled to nearly ₹3 crore in February,” he said.

Aircel crisis

From last month, Aircel customers across India have been shifting to other telecom service providers due to frequent call drops, amidst reports that the telecom company is facing financial difficulties. It had filed for bankruptcy recently.

BSNL is upgrading its infrastructure to handle sudden increase in subscribers. Additional manpower have been deployed across the State and employees have been asked to work on holidays. Special camps are being organised across the State and additional biometric devices have been procured to meet the increase in demand,” he said. BSNL in Tamil Nadu will invest ₹419 crore in expanding both GSM and network infrastructure he added.

Tamil Nadu telecom circle has been allotted 7.99 lakh additional line/subscriber capacity with a project cost of ₹333 crore under phase VIII project. This envisages replacement of 2G Nortel BTS equipment purchased under phase IV project to improve quality of service in the circle, expand 3G services and provide 4G services. The GSM expansion project will be completed by December 2018, he said.