Amid the din over the ‘missing Coalgate files’, rising onion prices and Telangana, the Government on Tuesday introduced three Bills – the Rajiv Gandhi National Aviation University Bill, 2013, the Civil Aviation Authority of India Bill, 2013 and the Indira Gandhi National University for Women Bill, 2013.

The House opened with members of the AIADMK and Left parties trooping into the Well to protest against rising prices of onion, while other members raised the Telangana issue.

There was no Question Hour in the Lok Sabha as the House decided to take up the crucial Food Security Bill for discussion and passage after tabling of important papers and introduction of Bills.

Sources said the Government was trying hard to get this crucial legislation through as many Congress Governments are set to announce the roll-out of subsidised foodgrains to coincide with former Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi’s birth anniversary celebrations on Tuesday.

Amid the din, the two aviation-related Bills were introduced by the Minister of State for Civil Aviation, K.C Venugopal.

However, Saugata Roy of the Trinamool Congress, opposed the introduction of Civil Aviation Authority of India Bill, 2013 and said it would create bureaucratic hurdles and would “lead to privatisation”.

After introduction of the Bills, the din continued as BJP members wanted a statement from none other than the Prime Minster on the ‘missing’ coal files.

In a statement, Leader of the Opposition, Sushma Swaraj, urged the Speaker to urge the Prime Minister to give a statement on where the files went. She quoted the Supreme Court’s order on August 6, in which it had asked the CBI to produce all the files pertaining to the concerned coal block allocations.
