With the number of swine flu (H1N1 Influenza) spreading to more areas, the Andhra Pradesh Government has alerted all the government hospitals in 13 districts on the measures to be taken.

Though official figures put the number of positive cases at 32, the number is said to be much more. The flu has resurfaced in Telangana about a month ago as temperatures plummeted to single digits.

The capital city of Hyderabad is impacted most with all the major government hospitals reporting huge number of positive cases. The flu has killed as many as 25 people in Telangana.

“In Andhra Pradesh, two persons were killed and 32 were reported positive for the viral flu. We have asked all the government hospitals to be ready to treat swine flu patients,” AP Health Minister Kamineni Srinivas said on the spread of the disease.

The Minister has deputed top officials of the Ministry to take care of the arrangements in each of the 13 districts. He has directed private hospitals to report the swine flu cases to the Government.

Stating that there was no need to panic, he said the disease would subside once the temperatures increase.