At least five persons were injured today when a bomb went off at an animal market on the outskirts of Quetta city in southwest Pakistan.

The incident occurred at the market in Sibbi Road, a suburb of the capital of Balochistan province. The state-run Radio Pakistan reported that at least five persons were injured in the attack. No group claimed responsibility for the attack.

Quetta has been tense since last week, when over 120 people were killed in a string of bomb attacks that targeted security forces and the minority Shia community.

About 96 people were killed in bombings in Alamdar Road, a Hazara Shia-dominated neighbourhood.

The killings triggered a protest by Hazara Shias, who refused to bury the dead till the provincial government was dismissed.

Yielding to the protests, the federal government had yesterday sacked the Balochistan Government and imposed Governor’s rule in the province.