Most professionals are changing jobs and careers, with 57 per cent respondents saying they would consider switching careers to get closer to their dream job, according to a survey.

LinkedIn’s new Career Pathways survey revealed that one in three Indian professionals feel like they are ‘career sleepwalking’ and feel stagnant as though they are on a treadmill going nowhere.

About 57 per cent said they would consider career pivoting in order to build a more fulfilling career, it added.

However, an impact on their pay packets and designation are deterrents that have hindered close to 51 per cent from making the switch.

The first Career Pathways India survey by LinkedIn, was done with more than 5,000 full-time professionals across 11 cities in India.

Professionals place greater value on doing what they love as a career choice (73 per cent), followed by a healthy work-life balance (70 per cent), and a job that makes them a lot of money (57 per cent), while 56 per cent of respondents said a job that provides learning and growth opportunities is also important, it said.

While 62 per cent professionals had chosen their careers because it was something they always wanted to do, 53 per cent chose their careers as it fulfilled them and only 38 per cent said they chose it, because it makes them a lot of money.

“Today’s professionals want a lot more fulfilment from their jobs and careers and wish to be empowered to change roles and sectors,” LinkedIn country head, India, Mahesh Narayanan, said.

In terms of job stickiness, professionals are job-hopping more than ever before, with one in three millennials (33 per cent) having had two jobs within the last five years, compared to one in five Gen X respondents (20 per cent).

While job hopping amongst professionals has increased, the motivation for changing careers and jobs is different across generations, the survey revealed.

Over a third of Gen X respondents value the presence of clear career trajectory within their current job, compared to just under one in five Baby Boomer (born in the late 1960s) respondents (19 per cent), it added.

Younger professionals are much more open to change, and discuss change with their managers, especially if it gives them more opportunity for learning and development.

Nearly 61 per cent of millennials said they would consider switching careers compared to only 18 per cent of Baby Boomers, the survey said.