Brainly, an online learning platform, has come up with its latest survey that aims to understand Indian students and their preferred method of studying.

The survey gathered responses from 3,105 participants and revealed that despite the massive overhaul in education, only 19.8 per cent of respondents claimed that 2020 had negatively impacted their academic performance.

The survey noted that 12.3 per cent held the opinion that it did not affect their performance while 23.5 per cent said that it had a mixed impact on their studies.

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However, a staggering 44.4 per cent of Brainly students believed that 2020 had positively affected their academic performance.

The reason behind this could be the alternative approaches adopted by the students. 26.7 per cent of the participants turned towards online learning platforms to ‘efficiently manage their studies’.

While 25.3 per cent also took home tuitions along with online classes. 19.8 per cent purchased ‘dedicated devices for academic reasons’ (such as laptops, smartphones, tabs, etc.). 28.7 per cent sought parents’ intervention in studies.

As for the New Education Policy (NEP) 2020, 55.9 per cent of them believed that it would positively change the Indian education system. 30.9 per cent respondents did not want to comment before it gets implemented while 13.2 per cent believed that the policy won’t serve the purpose.

Exams turned out to be one of the major pain points for students last year as 45.7 per cent of them found online exams more challenging. Only 30.5 per cent of students claimed that it was similar to the regular examinations. 23.8 per cent believed it was hard to say.

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The survey further stated that 43 per cent of the respondents would also like to resume academics by joining regular classes. On the other hand, 26.1 per cent of students were interested in a ‘flexible and hybrid learning model’. So, 69.1 per cent of students want to resume schooling either regularly or via a hybrid model.

Rajesh Bysani, CPO at Brainly, said in an official statement: “2021 seems to be the year of optimism with several encouraging developments taking place all around. This optimism also reflects amongst our student community. As the survey indicates, they are hopeful about the majority of core academic changes and look forward to the year that has just begun.”