Around 10 crore homes in rural India, accounting for 60 per cent of the rural populace, do not have proper sanitation, including toilets, at home. There are around 18 crore rural households in India.

According to Sujoy Mojumdar, Director, Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, open air defecation remains as high as 60 per cent in rural areas with just 40 per cent people using toilets.

"Our target is to have toilets in every rural household and stop open air defecation by 2022," he told reporters on the sidelines of a programme organised by FICCI.

According to Mojumdar, the Centre would require at least ₹ 150,000 crore to set up sanitation facilities across these households.

While ₹ 38,000 crore is being put in by the Centre over the ongoing Five-Year Plan Period (2012-17); State Governments are putting in around ₹ 15,000 crore.

The need, he said, was for corporates to step in. While some corporates are also coming in as a part of their corporate social responsibility; others are helping out with technology and expertise.