Overseas development organisations and private equity investors are looking for “good deals” and “viable models” in the evolving private healthcare sector in the country. From World Bank’s arm IFC, Commonwealth Development Corporation to a clutch of private equity players, new opportunities were emerging in day surgery and primary care clinics, mother and child centric care, single specialty on oncology, eye and dental care, observed participants at a CII meet here on Saturday.

Mathew Eliot, (Principal Investment Officer, Health and Education, South Asia) of IFC said its 31 per cent of healthcare investment was in India. Though recently small deals dominated the scene, opportunities for multiplicity of bigger deals were likely to arise in emerging spaces within the sector. Low penetration of health insurance and bar of FDI in insurance, however, prove to be hindrance to investment growth in the healthcare.

Sunil Sachdeva, Co-Founder of Medanta – The Medicity, said various business models were being experimented both large and small format, capital intensive as well as on stringent budget. “However, primary care in small towns, technology application including mobile technology could be appropriate for India”. He said the sector remains promoters’ passion-driven rather than super profit-oriented. “Profit sustainably would come from innovations, standardized and ethical practices.

Srini Nagrajan, Regional Director, south Asia, CDC Group, said a low-cost for the BIMARU States in India and an Indian African Chain was in the making. He said a standard hospital information system including efficient operating metrics was yet to emerge for the sector in the country. Ethical practices and good development of non-medical employee in a healthcare outfits were also need of the hour, he pointed out.

Glocal Healthcare CEO Dr S Azim said his experience in funding affordable rural hospitals taught that healthcare entrepreneurs should build for future and survive in the short run. “Look after every stakeholder including your financier and employees, it would pay in the long run”, he added.