The Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board has withheld approvals for new units or expansion of existing companies in the Jawaharlal Nehru Pharma City (JNPC), Visakhapatnam.

"No clearances will be issued by the Pollution Control Board till the upgradation of existing treatments are done," Sanjay Kumar, Member Secretary, AP Pollution Control Board (APPCB), told Business Line here.

According to a letter sent by the board to its regional office in Visakhaptnam, the effluent from the common treatment plant of member industries at JNPC was higher than permitted levels.

"It is also observed that effluent treatment in the plant do not meet the standards of the times with respect to some parameters, indicating that the plant has to be upgraded to meet the standards," the letter said.

The existing treatment capacity of the plant is at 1000 KLD for High TDS and 3,500 for low TDS. There are 58 registered industries in the city, including multinationals such as Eisai Pharmatechnology, PharmaZell, SNF (I) Ltd and Aptuit Laurus Labs. JNPC currently employs over 5,000 people.

According to Kumar, in addition to the effluent treatment issues, there has been no clarity on an escrow account to be maintained by the Ramky, which manages the city and the member industries. "I have asked them to show the funds accumulated so far in the account as it is meant to meet common requirements from time to time," he said. At present, there are 12 pending applications pertaining to the pharma city with the board.

Idle capacity When contacted, PP Lal Krishna, Chief Executive Officer, JNPC said: "We are only utilising 34 per cent of existing capacities. In a meeting held yesterday, we have presented facts and figures to the authorities and will do the needful."

The 2,400-acre JNPC is a joint venture between the Ramky Group and the Government of Andhra Pradesh. So far, ₹3,000 crore has been invested.