Technology services companies AXIS IT&T, Axis Aerospace Technologies and CADES on Tuesday announced the launch of their unified brand identity, Axiscades.

Sudhakar Gande, the company’s Vice-Chairman, told Business Line that Axiscades will add about 1,000 people over the next 12 months across geographies, including Bangalore, to meet growing business requirements.

The brand, as part of its growth strategy, plans to invest about $50 million over the next three years in capacity building, expanding technology offerings and providing integrated product development solutions to meet customers’ business needs, Gande said. The company will continue to actively pursue inorganic growth opportunities to improve their service offerings, he said.

Over the last five years, their combined revenues have grown manifold from about $4 million with 50 people to $85 million with 1,600 people employed across 12 development centres globally. The company has a customer base that includes six global original equipment manufacturers who are leaders in their respective businesses. The company plans to take its offshore development centre model to set up innovation labs for engineering services in specific identified technologies such as composite, manufacturing engineering and interiors.

Axiscades will also address the business needs of customers across domains and at every stage of a product’s lifecycle, besides aiming to develop expertise in futuristic technology trends in the niche domains of its solutions offerings, S Valmeekanathan, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer, said.