WTO bias creates imbalance, says S. African Minister

Our Bureau Updated - September 14, 2014 at 10:02 PM.

The South African Minister for Agriculture Senzeni Zokwana has reiterated his country’s support of India’s stand on public food stock-holding for food security at the WTO.

“The relationship with poor countries is important at a global forum like the WTO,” he said on the sidelines of an Indo-South African Week event here.

“There is a debate about this (India’s stand) back home. We are aware that there has been unfair play between European countries and our (developing) countries. While they would try to put stringent rules on how we support our farmers, they are protective of their industry. It creates an imbalance,” the Minister said, adding that the question of trade and matters regarding the WTO.

Areas of cooperation
This was Zokwana’s first visit to India and the Minister believed there were numerous areas in the field of agriculture and food processing where the two countries could cooperate and facilitate exchange programmes between entrepreneurs and agriculturists to strengthen ‘South-South’ relations.

“India has developed expertise in food processing and promoting small-scale farming. We believe much can be done if we cooperate in areas like agro-processing, agro-tourism among others. India is also advanced in terms of genetic medicine which can benefit South Africa,” he said.

Zokwana also highlighted that South Africa was open to having foreign enterprises set up agricultural operations. “The Government believes in allowing foreign companies to lease land on a long-term basis because we need the expertise while it would also help raise productivity and employment in the country,” Zokwana explained.

Greater cooperation The Minister urged greater engagement between the BRICS nations from the agricultural perspective to benefit individual economies.

“Our relationship with China has grown but we need to increase our presence in Russia and also engage more with Brazil who currently export more to us. We need to work out how to balance that and also enhance the fact that there are opportunities for all the countries involved,” he said.

Published on September 14, 2014 16:31