Western India may be the worst-affected by below-normal rains, with possible drought-like conditions developing in Maharashtra’s Vidarbha region, Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh said on Tuesday.

Speaking to the media after meeting a delegation of party MPs from Maharashtra, Singh said a separate contingency plan would be worked out along with State Governments for drought-prone regions such as Vidharbha, to ensure there was no shortage of drinking water and fodder.

“The Vidharbha region is drought-prone. We will think of all possible measures to help farmers so that they are not forced to commit suicide due to crop failure,” he added.

According to the weather department, the monsoon is likely to improve after July 6.

“If it improves, the loss in sowing of kharif crops will definitely be compensated,” Singh added. For the country as a whole, the cumulative rainfall up to June 25 was 40 per cent below the average, said the weather department.

Kharif dip The overall area under kharif crops last week decreased to 131.52 lakh hectares from 200.96 lakh hectares in the year-ago period.

Sowing of kharif (summer) crops, such as paddy, starts with the onset of the southwest monsoon in June.

Singh said his Ministry would also soon move a Cabinet note on providing diesel and seed subsidy, if States declare drought in some areas.

Earlier, a delegation, led by Maharashtra BJP President Devendra Fadanvis, and MPs Eknath Khadse, Vinod Tawde, Hansraj Ahir and Sanjay Patil updated the Minister about the monsoon situation in Vidharbha and sought special measures.

Agricultural varsity Singh also assured the delegation that his Ministry would favourably consider the establishment of a Central Agricultural University in Maharashtra, as also look into the demand for a second Krishi Vigyan Kendra in bigger districts and opening of ICAR institutes on diary farming, soil and water testing, integrated pest management and horticulture.

Incidentally, the Maharashtra Assembly elections are due in three months.