businessline has a well-earned reputation of being a credible, trustworthy, independent and serious newspaper. Starting today, your favourite business daily will also sport a new, cheerful look to keep up with the times.

Crafted by master newspaper designer Mario Garcia, who has designed over 700 titles across 120 countries, businessline’s new look reflects the youthful character of India. While businessline turns trendy, it will always remain a hard-nosed business, financial and economic daily.

Our independent news reporting, balanced editorial policy, and the core of trustworthiness and credibility remain unchanged. Our content will stay focussed on the serious reader, whose search for a dependable source of news, views and analysis in this age of information overload ends at businessline. Where others scream from the rooftops, we will stay understated and subtle but we will, as always, deliver the news and perspective that you value.

The new masthead is all in lower case, signifying the spirit of a young India, but the concentric circle in the end tells you that we remain as authoritative as ever. The trademark blue colour that you have come to associate with businessline stays, with the grey background in the masthead lending gravitas.

We will have larger visual elements in our pages even as our writing gets sharper to give you actionable information concisely. The new font is excellent on legibility and easy on the eye.

Our minimalist approach to graphics emphasises clarity and readability. Shorn of clutter, they are consistent in typography and colour with the blue palette making them pleasing to the eye.

The Think pages have generous white space and large pictures that make the strong opinion articles less intimidating to read. The articles will be shorter too, and will give you quick insights into trending topics/issues.

Our Sunday edition, bl.portfolio, which is highly popular for its deep insights into the world of investments and for its actionable recommendations, will look more elegant with a magazine-like feel. bl.portfolio has become a brand in itself and the masthead on Sundays will reflect that.

We’re thrilled to launch the all-new businessline on the happy occasion of The Hindu Group’s Founders Day today, when the venerable The Hindu turns 144.

It will be wonderful to have your feedback at

Raghuvir Srinivasan 
