The government will use Air India (AI) to operate 64 evacuation flights to bring back about 15,000 Indians from over 12 countries, Hardeep Puri, Minister for Civil Aviation, announced on Tuesday.

He also hinted at the possibility of taking back some foreign nationals on the flights, which would otherwise be leaving India empty. Sources indicated that AI is working out the modalities. The Minister added that private airlines could be used along with the state carrier in future evacuation plans.

During the first week of evacuation, till around May 13, about 15 flights from seven countries carrying around 3,150 passengers will arrive in Kerala, 11 flights from nine countries carrying 2,150 passengers will land in Tamil Nadu, and seven flights will land from six countries in Telangana, carrying around 1,750 passengers. Three flights from as many countries will land in Karnataka carrying 650 passengers. One flight will land in Punjab and three in Jammu and Kashmir.

“These are not commercial flights. They are being operated to bring back Indians who are in distress — people whose visas might have run out or who are being deported,” Puri said at a video conference to announce the evacuation efforts. He further said this was the first such attempt being made to bring back Indians. Private airlines could also be roped in for future evacuations, he added.

The charges

Those travelling on AI flights from the US will be charged about ₹1,00,000 while those travelling from London to Mumbai would pay around ₹50,000. Singapore to Bengaluru will cost about ₹18,000 and Dhaka to Delhi, about ₹12,000.

“We have to manage a very difficult task. (What we are charging) is way below what it costs the airlines to conduct these operations,” Puri said in response to a question on whether the airline was seeking to make a profit from the evacuation.

In response to a question on when domestic flying will restart, he said nothing will be allowed till May 17, after which “domestic flying is likely to be reopened in a calibrated and graded manner”. “It is not that everything will open up at once,” he added.