With many Indians living blended ‘hybrid lives’, American Express has come up with a new brand platform that supports this “hybrid life” where both personal and work life are increasingly interconnected.

Reinforcing its brand promise, the card issuer – through a new 360-degree brand marketing campaign – has made a strategic shift from providing a sense of ‘belonging’ for the customer to ‘backing’ the customer.

“This is the first time we are introducing a campaign that speaks to all of our customer segments – be it small enterprise, large companies, merchants and consumers with a single, overarching message that American Express will back you to help you do better business and get most out of your lives,” said Manoj Adlakha, CEO, American Express Banking Corp .

This campaign,‘Powerful Backing of American Express: Don’t Live Life/Don’t Do Business Without it’, reflects the new-age highly-integrated lifestyles and how Amex supports its customers, enabling them to thrive in life and in business.

A recent global study commissioned by Amex showed that more than half of people today are living hybrid lives, with personal and work life deeply intertwined. The study, conducted in eight markets, including India, also revealed that two in three people feel they can achieve more because of this work-life integration.

Adlakha said that the way people work and live has transformed – there is greater interconnectedness in both personal and work life, as well as real and virtual interactions. This blended, hybrid lifestyle is the new norm across the world and India is no exception.

“Our new campaign focuses on the powerful backing that we provide our customers and partners, enabling them to navigate this blended lifestyle,” he said.