For the second time in two days, Annie Kohli, an Anna Hazare supporter, today confronted Arvind Kejriwal asking how some members of his anti-graft movement were dubbing her as an “agent” of political parties.

Kohli (55), who is based in Mumbai, went to lawyer Prashant Bhushan’s residence here where Kejriwal and others were in a meeting, demanding that she be allowed to speak to the activist.

As Kohli raised her voice, Kejriwal, who was in the meeting, came out and tried to assuage her.

Kohli asked Kejriwal on what basis his supporters associated with India Against Corruption accused her of being an "agent" of parties. She also alleged that she was manhandled by his supporters.

Kejriwal requested her to come inside the house for discussions. Later, she said Kejriwal heard her out and assured her that he would talk to his supporters. She said she was with him in the movement against corruption but did not support his political campaign.

“I have no differences with him. I respect him. I want to ask him one question whether he is a crusader or a politician. I am not with him on politics but if it is a fight against corruption, I will support him,” she told presspersons.

She also said Kejriwal, who was with her when she spoke to the media, told her that he would talk to Mayank Gandhi about her issues.

Kejriwal said, “She is upset with the misbehaviour of some volunteers at Mumbai airport. If this is true, then I apologise to her. I will speak to the volunteers. I appeal to IAC supporters not to behave like this. If we do so, then what is the difference between us and other parties,” he said.