
Updated - May 26, 2019 at 10:21 PM.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of THG Publishing Private Ltd, the publishers of The Hindu and other Group publications, I have pleasure in announcing that LV Navaneeth will be taking over as the new Chief Executive Officer of the Company from June 1, 2019 on completion of the term of the incumbent CEO and Managing Director, Rajiv C. Lochan, who has decided to move on. The Board of Directors records its appreciation of Mr Lochan’s excellent contributions to the newspaper organisation and wishes him the very best.

For Mr Navaneeth, this represents a homecoming: he served this organisation between 1998 and 2006 in a senior position in Advertising and Marketing. Going on to get a diverse media experience in radio, television, media planning and buying, and digital advertising, he brings with him expertise and hands-on experience to play an effective leadership role in the Company in the face of far-reaching changes and challenges in the media landscape and in an increasingly interconnected digital ecosystem.

The Board of Directors of THG Publishing Private Ltd welcomes Mr Navaneeth back into the company’s fold and wishes him the very best in his new assignment.

N Ram


The Hindu Group Publishing Private Limited

Published on May 26, 2019 16:50