Ban on plastics makes ‘coffee on the go’ difficult

Surabhi Updated - July 24, 2018 at 10:28 PM.

Coffee chains on the lookout for alternatives to plastic lids for cups

Getting a cup of coffee on the go in the city that never sleeps is proving to be a tricky affair. This is because most food retailers and cafes in Mumbai are yet to find an alternative to the plastic lids used to cover the disposable cups after the ban on single-use plastic items in Maharashtra.

Chains such as Cafe Coffee Day and Starbucks, till recently, were offering takeaway drinks without a cover. The cover not only helps maintain the temperature of the drink but also ensures that it does not spill out.

Imposed penalties

While Starbucks has this week introduced a ‘compostable lid’ for takeaway drinks, outlets of Cafe Coffee Day and many smaller retailers are yet to offer an alternative solution for customers.

“The lids have to be customised to the size of the cup. Companies are still looking at alternative materials as well as pricing options for takeaway beverage orders,” said an executive with a coffee company, adding that customers can opt to drink the beverage at the store or take it away, but without a lid.

Neither Starbucks nor Cafe Coffee Day responded to email queries on the issue by BusinessLine.

Viable alternatives

Starting June 23, the Maharashtra government has banned the use of single-use items such as plastic bags, disposable cutlery, plastic wrap and pouches for storing and packing food as well as plastic and thermocol decoration items across the State and has imposed stiff penalties on violators.

Most eateries, including coffee chains, have already switched to eco-friendly or compostable items for disposable options such as paper and silver foil instead of plastic and thermocol.

Significantly, Starbucks as well as international fast food chain McDonald’s had to pay a fine of ₹ 5,000 each for violating the ban on the first day of its implementation.

But apart from coffee chains, many eateries are also still looking for viable alternatives to plastic containers with consumers complaining of soggy packaging and spillage.

Published on July 24, 2018 16:33