Against the backdrop of the Delhi gang-rape incident, BJP has suggested maximum punishment to the accused in rape cases — either death penalty or chemical castration.

“There should be maximum punishment to the rapists, death penalty or emasculation (chemical castration of the rapist),” senior BJP leader Venkiah Naidu told reporters here.

His suggestions come close on the heels of Congress proposing castration for rapists. In a draft bill for a tougher law to check crimes against women which could also include chemical castration in rare cases, the Congress has proposed imprisonment up to 30 years for rape convicts.

Lashing out at the UPA, Naidu said the ‘insensitivity, indecision and inaction’ of Congress-led Government has sent a ’wrong signal’ in the country that the political class, especially the Parliament system, has failed to rise to the occasion.

Naidu said a similar suggestion for deterrent punishment of chemical castration has been made by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs chaired by him.

The proposals have been submitted before the Home Ministry and suggestions from the Home and Law ministries are being awaited. The committee’s next meeting would be held on January 4.

The Delhi gang-rape incident has revealed the Government’s ’casual approach’, he said.