Resisting pressure from parties opposed to it, allies and even from veteran leader L.K. Advani, the Bharatiya Janata Party has decided to “move on” and project Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi as its face for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.

In an hour-long meeting with Advani, the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat is learnt to have conveyed that it was time for “generational shift” in the BJP. The RSS chief, who had discussions with other leaders in the BJP, has also approved the BJP’s new campaign strategy based on the “development plank” in Gujarat, the records of other BJP-ruled States and the erstwhile National Democratic Alliance regime.

The focus, however, will be on Gujarat. The Sangh Parivar believes that by projecting Modi, the NDA could come back to power.

“People want a decisive, dynamic and development oriented leader and party. That is why they are looking towards the BJP and talking about Narendra Modi,” former BJP President and a known admirer of Modi, Venkaiah Naidu told reporters here on Thursday. He said the BJP would like to go to the people on the agenda of development.

“We will showcase the NDA Government’s achievements and also the good work done by our governments; be it Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Punjab and even Bihar, till yesterday, and compare it with States ruled by Congress party,” he said.

There are differences among BJP leadership on reviving the party’s pet issues such as construction of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. They fear that raking up the issue may further isolate the BJP from possible allies. In an effort to fill the vacancy of JD(U), the BJP leadership has started efforts to reach out to regional parties.

“We are talking to a number of political parties. Expansion of NDA is just a matter of time,” a top BJP leader claimed.

Advani, however, has reiterated his opinion on the current functioning of the BJP. The RSS said in a statement that Advani, “in a detailed and candid interaction” conveyed his views on various developments in the country and the role of the BJP and the “broad nationalist movement” led by the Sangh Parivar.

“It was opined that several issues need further discussion and exchange of notes at various levels. Same will take place at appropriate time. Bhagwatji also suggested that such useful exchange of views should continue in future also,” the RSS statement said.

Advani has been maintaining that the BJP could come to power only if the NDA is expanded.