The Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) on Tuesday said the BJP’s manifesto is “far ahead” of the Congress’in terms of addressing the issues of traders.

According to the CAIT, the BJP’s commitment to providing pension to traders over the age of 60 and ₹10 lakh-worth accident insurance to traders registered under the GST addresses their long-standing demands. The traders’ body also lauded the BJP’s promise to set up a National Traders Welfare Board and a National Policy for Retail Trade.

The traders’ body also said that the Congress’ promise to replace the current GST with a uniform tax rate for all commodities is not easily possible and will create disparities and anomalies, especially affecting the weaker sections.

The CAIT also said it has been conducting a national campaign for the past three months to convert seven crore traders into a vote bank to play a “decisive” role in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.