The Bombay Natural History Society has urged for the support of human intervention in the conservation of species such as the Great Indian Bustard, Bengal Florican and Black breasted Parrotbill. The organisation has always been advocating human intervention combined with people’s participation to ensure effective conservation of the remaining wildlife and wilderness areas.

While the latest list by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) includes 15 bird species from India as critically endangered, BNHS has pointed out that there are examples such as the Spot billed Pelican whose condition has improved due to human interventions.

The Spot billed Pelican was earlier categorised as ‘vulnerable’, but is now better off and regarded as ‘near threatened’. The improvement has been primarily because of protection provided to its breeding sites, not just by the forest department, but also by the local villagers, noted Asad Rahmani, Director, BNHS India.

He added that such examples of community participation in conservation can be observed across India from the Khonoma Conservation Reserve in Nagaland, to the hornbill habitats in horticultural landscape of Konkan in Maharashtra, and the bird congregations in Kheechan in Rajasthan.

Stating that all the threatened bird species on the IUCN list, including the ‘critically endangered’ species as well as their habitats require immediate attention and conservation action, the BNHS has said most of these species are declining drastically in terms of numbers and distribution range, with many on the verge of extinction. However, when conservation action is taken, several species have bounced back.

Rahmani added that strong conservation action, based on science, is also required for several other species. Actions should be species and site specific since problems vary across geographical regions.