BSNL unions have flayed a restructuring proposal drafted by the management, stating that it was an impediment to the “smooth and efficient running” of the organisation.

“The current proposal is not only detrimental to the career progression of the executives but also a serious obstacle to fulfil the actual requirement of running the organisation in a smooth and efficient manner,” BSNL Executives Association, an outfit representing multiple labour unions, wrote to the Chairman and Managing Director on November 30, to the company’s CMD.

‘Pen and paper exercise’

The association believes that promotions, a key issue of concern of BSNL executives, remain unaddressed by the management. It has sought promotion of all the eligible executives in a time-bound manner before finalising a restructuring plan.

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The association also noted in the letter that the management is participating in the “pen and paper exercise” of post-reduction in the name of restructuring, ignoring all the objections and submissions by BSNL’s employee unions.

“This has created serious unrest among the executive fraternity who were patiently waiting for their much-awaited promotions for the last so many years. Several attempts to attract the attention of the management have been futile,” the association said.

Key demands

Key demands for the labour union representing BSNL employees include that all BSNL executives eligible for promotion should be promoted without any delay.

Furthermore, the restructuring order proposed by the management in November should be rolled back immediately, “and immediate discussion should start with the stakeholders for an HR plan which should be in line with the needs of the organisation and takes care of career prospects of executives in various grades and streams.”

Moreover, the association also wants the drastic reduction of posts to be done away with and further inputs of the Association should be given a firm consideration.

The association comprises of All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association (AIGETOA), Sanchar Nigam Executives' Association (SNEA), and All India Bharat Sanchar Nigam.