Apollo Hospitals’ Managing Director Suneeta Reddy on Wednesday said that neurological disability is one of the most common disabilities in the world and can strike people as young as 15 to 25 years. She said the area of neuropsychiatry requires more attention to prevent people from getting incapacitated.

“A 2019 study showed 80 per cent of all disabilities in the age of 16-60 age group was neurodisability and this could be about 250 million patients across the world,” Reddy said. 

She was delivering the address after inaugurating Buddhi Clinic’s new neuropsychiatry centre and resource hub in the city. Reddy said there were 27 sub-specialties in the neuro space and the brain and its functions still continue to be an enigma for scientists across the world. 

Sudha Seshayyan, Vice Chancellor, Dr MGR Medical University, said one of the key complications of the long Covid is the issue of brain fog. Seshayyan, added that the issue not only requires medical rehabilitation but also social rehabilitation.

Five pillars

Dr Ennapadam S Krishnamoorthy, Founder & CEO, Buddhi Clinic, said strong academic legacy, integrated neuropsychiatry, philosophy of looking beyond just medication and psychiatry, taking care to the doorstep and creating social impact are the five pillars on which Buddhi Clinic is built upon. 

“The borderlines between the brain and mind are difficult borderlines. Covid has taught us the criticality of this whole domain (of neuropsychiatry). We have people with typically neuropsychiatric problems like delirium after a bout of Covid where the brain is affected because of that behaviour. Covid taught us the breadth of symptoms that brain and mind can cause for many of us. In our centre, we have an integrated approach from diagnosis to treatment, care and rehabilitation,” Krishnamoorthy added. 

A Vellayan, Advisor Buddhi Clinic and Retd Executive Chairman of Murugappa Group also participated in the inaugural event.