Consumer Affairs Minister Piyush Goyal asked the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) to follow five growth mantras and become a facilitator instead of being seen as an obstructer in discharging the duty of ensuring quality standards of products.

Congratulating BIS on its 75th anniversary on January 6, Goyal said that the BIS has been contributing to the national economy through its core activities of “Standardization and Certification.” Now it is time for BIS to plan and chart out a 25-year agenda until 2047, he said. BIS, earlier known as the Indian Standards Institution (ISI), was founded in 1947.

First, the minister said BIS should be a facilitator, not an obstructer. Secondly, it should develop as a global organization by learning from the experiences of other countries and integrating with international standards. Thirdly, BIS should work on GAP analysis to assess attesting laboratory needs of the country and set up high-quality modern labs across India.

The fourth suggestion from the minister was to bring a quality or standard revolution through ‘One Nation One Standard’, and the fifth mantra was to ensure that maintaining quality did not become expensive.

Stressing that standardization and conformity assessment will provide safe, reliable and high-quality products to consumers, Goyal believed that BIS should make consumers more aware of the quality aspect. “Every single action demands quality that should be our mantra,” he said.

“It is due to the constant efforts and strive for excellence of employees and other stakeholders of BIS that we have been able to achieve this respectable place today,” said Pramod Kumar Tiwari, director-general of BIS.