The Supreme Court today asked the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) whether a woman can be given an option of saying ‘no’ to triple talaq at the time of execution of ‘nikahnama’ (Islamic marriage contract).

A five-judge Constitution bench headed by Chief Justice J. S. Khehar also said if all ‘Qazis’ can be asked to include this condition at the time of marriage.

“Is it possible that Muslim women are given an option to say ‘no’ to triple talaq at the time of execution of nikahnama,” asked the bench also comprising Justices Kurian Joseph, R. F. Nariman, U. U. Lalit and Abdul Nazeer.

While seeking a response from former Union Minister and senior advocate Kapil Sibal, representing AIMPLB, the bench said, “Don’t infer anything from our side.”

Today is the fifth day of the hearing on a clutch of petitions challenging triple talaq, polygamy and ‘nikah halala’ which is going on before a bench comprising members of different religious communities including Sikh, Christian, Parsi, Hindu and Muslim.

Yesterday, the law board had equated the issue of triple talaq with the belief that Lord Rama was born in Ayodhya, saying these were matters of faith and cannot be tested on grounds of constitutional morality.