Wage revision of Central Government employees with effect from December 1, 2014, and ensuring a five-year wage revision are among the demands of the National Joint Council of Action (NJCA), which represents 30 lakh Central Government employees from across sectors. 

Central Government employees on Thursday protested against the “anti-labour” policies of the Government by wearing black badges. The grant of interim relief and merger of 100 per cent of dearness allowance, ensuring submission of the 7th CPC report within the stipulated time-frame of 18 months, are some of the other demands. 

The need to include Grameen Dak Sewaks within the ambit of the Seventh Central Pay Commission and settling all anomalies of the 6th CPC also form part of the charter of demands, which were marked to the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, with copies marked to Dr. Jitendra Singh, Minister of State, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pension; and Pradeep Kumar Sinha, Cabinet Secretary.

Another demand was against privatisation, public-private partnership or foreign direct investment in the Railways and Defence establishments, apart from a move against corporatising postal services, the letter written by NJCA convenor Shivagopal Mishra, who is also the General-Secretary of the All-India Railwaymen Federation (AIRF), said. 

The NJCA also demanded removal of the ban on recruitment and creation of posts. 

Scrapping the PFRDA Act, which brought the defined contribution pension scheme, and re-introduction of the defined benefit statutory pension scheme, were other demands.

NJCA has also moved against outsourcing, contract workers, privatisation of Governmental functions, apart from opposing the proposed move of the Government to close down the printing presses, the publication, form store and stationery departments, and the medical stores depots.

At the same time, it has called for regularising existing daily rated/ casual and contract workers and absorption of trained apprentices. 

Reviving the Joint Committee Machinery functioning at all levels as an effective negotiating forum for settlement of the demands of the central staff is also among the demands.

Removing the bonus ceiling and ensuring at least five promotions in one's service career is also among the demands listed. 
