The Centre has blocked 14 mobile messenger applications, that were being used by terror groups, in what is being seen as a crackdown on terrorist activities.

According to sources in the government, these apps were being used to further terror propaganda , sending texts and receiving information from Pakistan by certain terror groups.

Some of the banned apps include Crypviser, Enigma, Safeswiss, Wickrme, Mediafire, Briar, Bchat, Nandbox, Conion, IMO, Elemet, Second line, Zangi and Threema.

The action was taken after receiving intelligence inputs that the applications were allegedly being used by terrorists, largely in Jammu and Kashmir, to communicate with their supporters and Over Ground Workers (OGW) and also to receive instructions from Pakistan, sources said.

The Ministry of Home Affairs in close co-ordination with the Ministry of Electronics and IT, and other agencies decided to block these messenger apps.

In February, the government also ordered blocking of 232 apps operated by overseas entities, including Chinese apps, for being involved in betting, gambling and unauthorised loan services.

Out of the 232 apps, 138 were betting and gambling websites while 94 were loan apps that were engaging in illegal money laundering and posing a threat to financial security of the country.