Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray appealed to people in the State to follow Covid-19 appropriate behaviour if they don’t wish to experience Covid-19 restrictions again.

The government will closely watch the situation and take appropriate decisions if the number of patients continues to multiply.

Thackeray held a meeting with the Covid-19 Task Force in Mumbai and appealed to people to wear masks and vaccinate themselves.

During the meeting, Additional Chief Secretary (Health) Pradeep Vyas said that on April 16, 2022, the State had 626 active Covid-19 patients. In the last one and half month, the number of patients has reached over 4,500, a rise of seven times.

Mumbai, Pune and Thane have 97 per cent of active Covid-19 patients. The positivity rate in Mumbai is 6 per cent while the State has a 3 per cent positivity rate.   

The Chief Minister said the government will take a call on the steps to be taken after 15 days of observation. He said the Health Department officials must check the status of mobile Covid-19 hospitals and also conduct structural audits and ensure that infrastructure is in place.  

He further said the number of Covid-19 tests must be ramped up and also the spread of new variants must be watched closely. Thackeray directed the Departments of Health and Education to take a stock of the situation in schools before they re-open after vacation.

New cases

The State reported 1,045 new cases on Thursday, while 517 patients were discharged. The recovery rate in the State is 98.07 per cent. One Covid-19-related death was reported and the fatality rate is 1.87 per cent. As of Thursday State has 4,559 active Covid-19 cases of which Mumbai has 3,324 active patients.