The Andhra Pradesh Government has constituted an expert committee for conceptualising a Mechanical Vapour Compression (MVC) technology-based renewable energy powered desalination of sea water plant on a pilot basis at Krishnapatnam Port.

The conceptualisation, implementation and execution of the proposed pilot project would necessarily require close coordination between the concerned Departments of Government of Andhra Pradesh as well as with respective Ministries of Government of India, NITI Aayog and EAC-PM.

The shortage of potable water is acknowledged globally as one of the greatest challenges of the future. An increase in population, rising demand for fresh water for domestic, irrigation and industrial use necessitates the need for enhancing the supply of freshwater from conventional and new sources. This has led to a focus on the desalination of seawater using environmentally benign and cost-effective technologies.

The Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister (EAC-PM) has been exploring an innovative concept of harnessing renewable energy, specifically offshore wind energy to desalinate sea water through Mechanical Vapour Compression (MVC).

This subject figured in the discussions during the visit of a delegation of the State Finance Minister in January 2021 to the EAC-PM, New Delhi and keen interest was evinced to take up this MVC technology or any other technology for desalination of water plant as a pilot project at Krishnapatnam Port or any other suitable location in Andhra Pradesh.

The State Government has decided to constitute an expert committee for conceptualising the renewable energy powered desalination of sea water plant on a pilot basis at Krishnapatnam or any other suitable location in Andhra Pradesh.

According to an order issued by State Chief Secretary Adityanath Das, constituting an expert committee that shall be chaired by the Chief Secretary.

The committee would function under the overall guidance of Ratan P Watal, Member Secretary, Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister (EAC-PM) and shall interact with Water Management Expert (WME) GmbH (Germany) and other agencies and examine the feasibility for undertaking the desalination project.