As many as 58,419 people tested positive for the SARS-CoV2 virus in the last 24 hours until Sunday morning, the declining trend is very much visible, with over 87,600 people recovering from the infection during the same period, according to data released by Health Ministry. The number of cases fell below 60,000 after a gap of 81 days. 

The country's total number of confirmed cases is close to touching the three crore mark, but the active caseload is only 7,29,243 as 2,87,66,009 have already recovered, and 3,86,713 people died, including 1,576 people in the last 24 hours. India's weekly positivity rate dropped further to 3.43 per cent from a high of 15.16 per cent a month ago. The positivity has been falling consistently for the last 41 days. 

On Saturday, over 38 lakh vaccinations were carried out across the country, taking the total number of Covid-19 inoculations to 27,66,93,572 since January 16 this year. So far, the Centre has provided 29.1 crore vaccines to the States and Union Territories, of which over 26.04 crore have been used up by the States, leaving them with a stock of around 3.06 crore vaccine doses. 

The revised vaccination strategy in which the Centre would be procuring all vaccines required by States kicks in from Monday. As per the modified plan, the Centre would now procure 75 per cent of the vaccines produced in the country, leaving the remaining 25 per cent available for private hospitals for procurement. 

During the last 24 hours, over 18 lakh Covid tests were carried out in the country, taking the total tests so far to over 39.10 crore, according to the Indian Council of Medical Research.