Covid cases in Tamil Nadu marginally increased to 39, including 12 cases reported inside IIT Madras, on Thursday as against 31 on Wednesday. All the 12 persons have been quarantined in one place and are stable, said Tamil Nadu Health Secretary J Radhakrishnan, who visited the campus twice on Thursday.

All the 12 persons were vaccinated, and that’s the reason why the symptoms are mild, said Radhakrishnan, urging people not to panic. He appealed to students and residents in the campus to wear masks and get vaccinated if they haven’t to control the virus spread.

‘Aiming to suppress infection’

Meanwhile, in a letter addressed to all district collectors, Radhakrishnan said that in Tamil Nadu there has been no significant changes as cases have mildly risen from below 25 a day to above 30..

“At a stage when we should aim at virus suppression, it is noticed that isolated cases are still getting reported and we need to keep monitoring the trajectory of cases and also test positivity at district and sub district levels,” he said.

He urged the collectors to follow up on the use of masks and Covid appropriate behaviour. He also urged them to keep driving the vaccination of about 40 lakh persons who are yet to get vaccinated for the first dose and 1.37 crore for the second dose.

While experts keep saying that the recent spike in other States is not an immediate cause of worry, unless there is a change in the hospital admissions. It is always better to be cautious and take premptive and proactive steps and keep monitoring the Covid cases ensuring effective measures are taken to prevent any spurt in Covid cases.