The CPI(M) has demanded that the Centre withdraw the proposed National Medical Commission (NMC) Bill, which it termed as a “draconian” legislation. The Polit Bureau of the party said in a statement that the bill is a “systematic attack” on whatever little the country has achieved in the realm of medical education, science, research and healthcare system.

“Instead of reforming and strengthening the Medical Council of India (MCI), what is sought to be put in place is a bureaucratic organisation negating the federal structure of our Constitution.

In its attempt to appease the giant MNCs, corporatisation of health system and suppressing dissenting voices, the all-important ‘patient’ is criminally ignored. Both medical education and the healthcare system will be costlier and beyond the reach of the poor, backward and marginalised sections of our population,” the statement added. The Polit Bureau expressed its solidarity with the medical fraternity, who are protesting against the move of the government.

HECI Bill Regressive

It also said the proposed Higher Education Council of India Bill would target public-funded higher education and research. “It (the Centre) has been asking public-funded higher educational institutions to generate a part of their costs through internal resources and loans, drastically reducing seats and fellowships for MPhil and PhD research programmes, further curtailing SC/ST reservations, and promoting the short-term contractual employment of faculty and administrative staff instead of permanent recruitment,” the Left party alleged.

It added that higher educational reform under the Narendra Modi Government is guided by the twin concerns of privatisation and social exclusion. “Both of these are strongly reflected in the Draft of the HECI (Repeal of UGC Act, 1956) Bill,” the PB statement said.