Domestic production of crude oil and natural gas in December fell compared with the same month last year.

While crude oil production fell by 0.8 per cent to 3.05 million tonnes, natural gas production for was 0.01 per cent lower at 2.736 BCM.

Pvt players lagging Interestingly, ONGC’s oil production during December 2016 is 0.47 per cent higher this month. OIL too performed better than last year, clocking a 3.87 per cent increase.

The country’s overall crude oil production was pulled down by a 4.81 per cent lower production by private players and joint ventures at 0.86 MT.

Gas production showed a similar trend with ONGC producing 5.92 per cent more natural gas at 1.92 BCM. But gas production by OIL was 7.37 per cent lower at 0.24 BCM. Further, natural gas production by private companies and joint ventures was 13.55 per cent lower at 0.56 BCM.

Refinery production was 6.43 per cent higher at 21.44 MT. Production in joint venture refineries was 9.36 per cent higher at 1.57 MT.