Director-General (D-G) National Cadet Corps (NCC) Lieutenant General Gurbirpal Singh, who is on a three-day visit to Kolkata, on Thursday said he is “hopeful” of getting the funds issue with the West Bengal “resolved”. The funding delay has hit enrolment and training of cadets and their certification.

The West Bengal government has not released its entire share for 2022-23. The States share is needed to fund school students to join Army, Air Force and Naval wing of NCC to get ‘B’ and ‘C’ Certificates.

Speaking to businessline, Lt Gen Singh said, “We are hopeful to get it resolved. It is our primary duty to ensure that cadets get the mandated training”. However, he declined to divulge the exact dues of the State government.

The D-G stated the directorate of West Bengal is one of the oldest and over one lakh cadets are drawn from 1100 institutions. “They are outstanding”. He said he visited Naval Units and saw 400 cadets participating in social activities, among others, and oversaw Republic Day Camp training.

Opportunity lost

On October 7, Major General US Sengupta, Additional Director-General of NCC’s Bengal and Sikkim directorate, wrote to the Ministry of Defence drawing their attention over West Bengal’s reluctance to releasing its share of fund for this year. The letter which got leaked and surfaced on social media, divulged that of the 95,120 NCC cadets in Bengal, 41,068 of them will be unable to attend central annual training camps, making them ineligible for B and C certificate examinations.

NCC directorate of Bengal spokesperson, Major BB Singh had earlier told reporters that State governments foot 25 percent of the NCC’s annual budget while the remaining share of 75 percent is taken care by the Centre. “The Bengal government has so far released ₹80 lakh. We are yet to receive ₹3 crore. No training camp can be held without this fund,” Major Singh had stated.

State clarifies

However, the State Finance Minister Chandrima Bhattacharya had clarified “We released  ₹20 lakh on October 21 and the balance will also be given. But, we also need to see how the funds are being utilised. Those who are criticising us should ask the Centre why it has stopped releasing the State’s share of funds for social welfare schemes”.